Positive Ageing

A Little Piece of Midlife Whimsy

You got it wrong? … try again

(if you got it right! Well done … stay as you are!)

That’s it. You’ve reached midlife, and who knows when that began exactly? The logical conclusion would be that you know yourself, you have found yourself, and you have got your sh&t together. What a neat little package that would be indeed.

Positive Midlife Transition is not a Midlife Crisis?

All transitions can be scary. There, that's the truth. Midlife is yet another transition in life with physical and mental effects; however, remember puberty? Learning to walk? (probably not), your first broken heart? It is a challenging time when, as teenagers, we discover changes to our body and moods … yikes!

Skin Brushing for a Beautiful Body after 50

Still Doing It After 50? Ooh la la! What could this be I wonder? Is this too much information? Of course not my lovely readers. I am, of course, referring to the practice of ‘Body Brushing’. This is something I have executed on a regular basis before showering, since my late teens. Apart from the odd blip, this has been part of my regular routine almost like brushing my teeth.